Iceland is at its most beautiful in December. It is shrouded in snow and Christmas enrichments, making it a lovely winter wonderland. Icelanders also celebrate with fireworks and extravagant displays. Likewise, It's additionally one of the most mind-blowing seasons. Iceland in December november  isn't as considerably icy in late winter compared to throughout summertime, but the snowfall is far more numerous, especially during Reykjavík, the capital. It's likewise a good time to attempt some activities out of bounds in the summertime - there is a lot of ice which makes for excellent skating rinks and some nice horse-riding venues. 

What to do In Iceland In December?

Iceland is a European country with a handful of natural and artificial attractions. The most well-known attractions are the magnificent geysers, Aegir, Hekla, and Reynisfjara beaches, the Blue-ice beach, and the famous Gullfoss waterfall. Iceland in winter is also very nicely suited for activities such as snowboarding, where you could do "trips" to the countryside or regions with less snow. Visitors can also now go on tours in outer space. In December, you can find a wide assortment of activities to do in Reykjavík and other areas of Iceland. 

Whether it be traditional snowboarding or ice skating, Iceland in December november there is a lot that you could do throughout the winter season. December is also the Christmas season, which includes some great Christmas markets. For instance, the Christmas market in downtown Reykjavík has become one of the most famous and visited in Iceland. The Icelandic Christmas market revolves around a church built into an artificial mountain with delectable food products from all around Iceland and lots of Santa Claus cheer to be found throughout the market precinct.

Places to visit Iceland in December:

Riding and sledding during winter:

Riding around the magnificence of Iceland is one of the most popular activities in December. There are a lot of venues where you can enjoy horseback riding and sledding. Slovenia Jalgibba is located in Vatnajokull National Park, next to the famous waterfall, Seljalandsfoss. There are 11 kilometers of run down a mountain to the inner Seljalandsfoss and back. This run feels like traveling from heaven to hell and back again.

Ice Caves:

In winter, the natural ice caves in Vatnajökull glacier are open to the public. This is an amazing experience where you can see the wonder of glaciers and ice. It's also a great place to go on a tour – as you travel down by jeep from Höfn or Skaftafell national park, with many stops along the way. The tour takes about 6 hours, so bring some warm layers and food, like sandwiches, with you. It's allowed to hand out for lunch at any of the stops on the tour when they aren't moving. 

Gullfoss Canyon and waterfall:

Another top place to visit Iceland in December is the magic and majestic Gullfoss waterfall. This is a 2 km long cascade of two waterfalls, which falls into a stunning canyon. It lies on the Golden Circle route, about 50 kilometers from Reykjavík. It's also nearby Geysir and Þingvellir National Park, making it an excellent stop on any sightseeing trip in Iceland to experience the waterfall during winter.